ARAB LAB is one the most powerful annual shows for the global Laboratory & Analytical Industry.
PHCbi will be presenting a TwinGuard Ultra Low Temperature Freezer, a Heat Sterilization CO2 Incubator and a Pharmaceutical Refrigerator. PHCbi NEW TwinGuard Ultra Low Temperature Freezer MDF-DU502VX adopts optimal Dual Cooling Technology for the advanced sample security. The new cabinet design with LCD touch panel enhances usability and more storage capacity. The cell culture CO2 Incubator MCO-170AICDL with intuitive LCD display offers Dual heat sterilization system. It utilizes the incubator’s two heaters during the 180°C sterilization process, which takes 11 hours. The Pharmaceutical Refrigerator MPR-S313 (Sliding door type) is one of the most common designs of PHCbi MPR Pharmaceutical Refrigerators line-up which fits any type of room. Find optimal solution from PHCbi Cold chain and Cell culture service & equipment.
*Exhibited products maybe changed without notice.

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