Asan Medical Center (AMC) as a representative general hospital of Korea
A good example of modern general hospitals in Korea is the Asan Medical Center. Capable of providing advanced medical care on an extensive scale, this hospital’s equipment includes a full range of our biomedical products such as MDF-U700VX ultra-low temperature freezers (latest model: MDF-DU702VX) and MCO-19AIC CO2 incubators (latest model: MCO-170AIC) to name a few.
Asan Medical Center (AMC), Seoul
With a mission statement that focuses on “caring for life and sharing with those in need and pain,” the center opened in June 1989 and since then has sought and achieved world class medical treatment results supported by constant
R&D efforts and improving clinical treatment.
- This medical center is the largest hospital in Korea with 454,792 m2 of total floor area and 2,860 beds.
- It has most advanced medical facilities and a medical staff numbering 8,000.
- The Center handles 12,000 outpatients, 2,600 inpatients and 280 emergency outpatients on a daily average, and conducts a minimum of 59,000 surgical procedures annually.
- It was awarded the title of “The Most Respected Hospital in Korea” over four successive years, as well as being awarded “First Prize for Global Customer Satisfaction” over three successive years and has received many other awards.
- The Center has strived to achieve outstanding research results in 16 different research categories such as cancer, cell, organ transplants and heart disease.
- Currently at the AMC, over 200 our biomedical products and pieces of equipment are in use.
*Note: Information above as of 2011'.
Medical Facility Supply to Asan Institute of Life Science
AMC is a major customer of Daeil Tech Co., Ltd., our local agent. Daeil has built up a strong relationship with AMC over time through prompt after-sales services and regular checks at the medical facilities.
The Asan Institute of Life Science recently established a new research laboratory that employs 540 clinical doctors and 760 medical scientists involved in the biological industry and life sciences. The laboratory aims to develop new
medicines competitive in the global market as well as various diagnostic and treatment methods.
The institute has made large purchases of MDF-U700VX (latest model: MDF-DU702VX) and MCO-19AIC (latest model: MCO-170AIC) units. Since two independent cooling systems are mounted on MDF-U700VX, the risk of samples being spoiled during any equipment failure or emergency is minimized. With our unique sterilization function that uses hydrogen peroxide, the MCO-19AIC eliminates contamination and abnormal CO2 concentration worries. Daeil Tech and we will make the maximum efforts to meet the institute’s expectations.
*Our biomedical equipment used:
CO2 incubators: 70 units
Ultra-low temperature freezers: 80 units
Medical freezers: 10 units
Pharmaceutical and laboratory refrigerators: 30 units
Others: 20 units

AMC Clinical Research Center (CRC)
In the CRC (Clinical Research Center) attached world-class Asan Medical Center, the pharmacy, the Center and Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory have introduced our biomedical products.
In the Clinical Pharmacology Laboratory of the CRC, services such as analyzing drug traces in biological samples (blood, urine, etc.) obtained during clinical tests, pharmacokinetic and drug-metabolism analyses, inherited and phenotypic analyses of subjects undergoing clinical testing, cold storage and control of biological samples for study are performed.
Our biomedical products are also being used for analyses in clinical testing, research and study for drug genetic tests and to control large sample numbers for study.

*Our biomedical equipment used at AMC’s CRC
Ultra-low temperature freezers: 13 units
Medical freezers: 6 units
Pharmaceutical refrigerators: 16 units
Other: 1 unit
The contents above based on the information before April 2018.
On April 1st, 2018, Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd. changed the company name to PHC Corporation and our biomedical products are sold under the business brand name PHCbi.