Antibody production Biomedical Applications

Cyrogenic Freezer for Antibody production at The Animal Sciences Group (ASG) of Wageningen UR, The Netherlands

Extensive facilities for research and production

The Animal Sciences Group (ASG) of Wageningen UR is an internationally renowned organisation in the field of animal production and animal health. This organisation also develops and produces vaccines and sensitines (specific diagnostics). Core activities are scientific and practice-based research, academic education and generating (animal) production systems and innovations.

Some 650 highly qualified staff members instruct young academics and undertake research for a large group of clients. The research varies from specialist to multi-disciplinary, while the focus always remains on the concepts of quality and independence for both education and research.

The Animal Sciences Group’s facilities are extensive, used for both research and production. In addition, practical research centres at various locations in the Netherlands are used as application-oriented locations for research into cattle, poultry and pig farming.

In Wageningen, the Animal Sciences Group has access to the largest fresh-water fish-farming facilities in Europe. At the main site in Lelystad, there are operating facilities, isolation units (for SPF and pathogen-free animals) and high-containment facilities (including BSL 3 recognition) where research is carried out into extremely infectious animal diseases. The Animal Sciences Group also has livestock houses for metabolic and climate research as well as extensive laboratories. The Animal Sciences Group is part of Wageningen UR and has an annual turnover of about 88 million euros.

ASG was convinced that the Cryogenic Freezer MDF-C2156VAN would optimally serve their needs

The Animal Science Group purchased a Cryogenic Freezer MDF-C2156VAN cryogenic freezer for one of its laboratories. This monoclonal laboratory of the Central Veterinarian Institution produces and purifies products such as monoclonal antibodies which require hybridoma cell lines to be produced and used. As hybrodoma cell lines have to be stored at ultra low temperatures, ASG has much experience with storage using liquid nitrogen, and they are familiar and satisfied working with it.

Reasons for choosing a MDF-C2156VAN were twofold: ASG was convinced that the MDF-C2156VAN would optimally preserve cell lines and it was simply more convenient to use a regular freezer instead of a liquid nitrogen system. No extra pipes or precautionary measures were required.

The Cryogenic Freezer MDF-C2156VAN has been installed in a room next to the lab, adding to convenience for use.

The contents above based on the information before April 2018.
On April 1st, 2018, Panasonic Healthcare Co., Ltd. changed the company name to PHC Corporation and our biomedical products are sold under the business brand name PHCbi.