Over 6 million
blood glucose meters
and 3 billion BGM Sensors/Year
Ascensia distributes over 6 million blood glucose meters and 3 billion BGM sensors annually.

Around 506,000 Prescriptions
The number of daily prescriptions issued by Wemex medical-receipt computers at medical facilities (including dental) in Japan reaches around 506,000. Meanwhile, Wemex drives e-prescriptions as well.

Around 1.2 million Cases/Day
The daily number of cases registered in Wemex's electronic medical record/medical-receipt systems at medical institutions, including dental clinics, across Japan is around 1.2 million.

Around 30%
Around 30% of the drugs approved in Japan have passed rigorous testing by Mediford to ensure their safety and efficacy.

48 Products/Second
Every second of every hour of every day, 48 of Epredia's products are employed in the battle against cancer in laboratories and medical facilities.

Over 150,000 Units
Today, more than 150,000 units of PHCbi's Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers are in use around the world.

42 km
If we were to line up PHCbi's Ultra-Low Temperature Freezers, shipped globally to store vaccines for COVID-19, they would reach far enough to complete a full marathon.

6 million Cartridges/Year
If we were to stack all 6 million PATHFAST cartridges sold annually, they would reach 120 kilometers out into space.

Over 130,000 Units
Cumulative shipments of digital injectors exceeded 130,000 units. If we were to stack these injectors vertically, they would reach a height nearly triple that of Mt. Everest*.
*In some areas or countries, it may be called Chomolungma, Sagarmatha, or other names.