Live Cell Metabolic Analyzer

PHCbi Live Cell Metabolic Analyzer

Continuous, sampling-free measurement of glucose and lactate in culture medium.
Visualize real-time changes in cell metabolism.

Cells are constantly growing and differentiating, and these processes are known to be closely linked to metabolism.
In the field of cancer immunology, stem cell research, and the development of manufacturing processes for cell-based formulations, understanding the metabolic state of cells is a factor of ever-growing importance in the analysis of cell activation and disease.
Continuous analysis of cell metabolism offers the ability to visualize the state of cells in real time, creating opportunities for unprecedented new discoveries in cell metabolism.
The live cell metabolic analyzer, LiCellMo, can help to open new doors to those discoveries.

  • Cancer research
  • Immunology research
  • Stem cell research

In-line sensors: the key to continuous measurements of glucose and lactate

The glycolytic pathway is one of the main components of cellular energy metabolism. During glycolysis, glucose is taken up into cells and lactate is produced. Conventional analysis of cell metabolism typically involves estimating glucose and lactate concentrations from data points obtained from periodic sampling. The high-precision in-line sensors of LiCellMo offer these unique advantages:

  • real-time monitoring of glucose and lactate concentrations
  • continuous measurements
  • no sampling of the culture medium and use of the same cells for separate evaluation after measurement

Measure cells in their usual culture environment

The simplicity of LiCellMo's design makes it suitable for any laboratory space and does not require specialized cell culturing equipment. Common commercial products (culture medium, 24-well plates, calibration liquid, additive reagents) can be used for cell culture. The sensor module and plate adaptor can be attached to standard 24-well plates. Once the plate in placed in the detector pre-installed in the CO2 incubator, real-time measurements can be easily monitored using the touch-panel controller. Optional plate adapters are available for five different commercial 24-well plates.

Real-Time Cell Metabolism Measurement

Evaluate glycolytic changes directly

Changes in the glycolytic pathway can be directly evaluated by measuring the culture medium concentrations of glucose taken up by cells and lactate produced. With the LiCellMo, the state of cell metabolism may be visualized as the rate of metabolic change using the consumption rate and production rate based on concentration values. Monitoring the efficiency of conversion from glucose to lactate makes it possible to evaluate not only glycolysis, but also changes in the balance with other cellular metabolic processes, such as oxidative phosphorylation.

Evaluate Glucose Concentrations


Product summary Items monitored Glucose, lactate (simultaneous continuous measurement of both items)
Main device components Controller, Detector, Plate adapter (optional product)
Main consumables Sensor module (single use)
Compatible plates 24-well plate
(Compatible with 5 commercial products)
Monitoring duration Maximum 10 days
Measurement range Glucose: up to 27 mM (up to 4.9 g/L)
Lactate: up to 15 mM (up to 1.4 g/L)
Detector External dimensions Width 162 mm × Depth 290 mm × Height 118 mm
Installation Inside CO2 incubator
Controller External dimensions Width 371 mm × Depth 200 mm × Height 295 mm
Screen 12.1-inch-wide touch panel display
Extendibility Wired connectivity for up to 4 detectors

*Specifications, ratings and design are subject to change without notice.

External view and dimensions**

Cell Metabolism Analysis

**The color of the product in this web page may slightly differ from the actual color.

**Specifications, ratings and designs are subject to change without notice.


What can I do with the LiCellMo?
The LiCellMo is an analytical device for use in research that can continuously measure changes in the concentration of glucose and lactate in cells in culture. Using the changes in concentration of glucose and lactate and their metabolic rates, the data can show the degree of dependence on the glycolysis and the state of metabolism activation as continuous changes. The LiCellMo features the ability to carry out continuous, highly accurate measurements and comparisons of metabolism in a normal culture environment.
What are the features of the LiCellMo in comparison to other devices that measure culture media?
Regular culture medium analyzers require sampling of the medium, whereas the LiCellMo can carry out continuous measurement without the need for sampling. Also, while methods that use continuous sensors or near-infrared measurement devices allow continuous measurement, the LiCellMo allows simultaneous measurements to be easily carried out in a 24-well plate, making it extremely convenient for situations such as comparisons of different experimental conditions.
How is the device configured?
The LiCellMo consists of a detector that measures metabolism in a CO2 incubator, and a controller that operates the detector and checks the measurement data. The sensor module incorporates 24 sensors, allowing simultaneous measurement of glucose and lactate concentrations in each well of a 24-well plate.
What kind of environment can the LiCellMo be used in?
You can use any incubator in which the detector (W162×D280×H118 mm, weight 5 kg) can be installed. We recommend the PHCbi MCO-50, 170, and 230AIC series incubators. The detector can also be installed in other incubators; please contact us for details. Space is also needed to install the controller near the incubator.
What will I need to carry out measurements with the LiCellMo?
You will need to prepare the medium and cells used in the experiment, a 24-well plate, and any reagents to be added. You will also need a glucose-free medium and commercial lactate reagents for calibration, and you will need to prepare any other equipment and consumables required for cell culture. Sensor modules are consumables and plate adapters are accessories both available for purchase from PHCNA to fit your 24-well plates. *Our plate adaptors have different designs to fit various plates. Please contact us for details on compatible adapter and plate combinations.
How should the sensor modules be stored?
Sensor modules must be stored at 2–8°C.
What principle is the measurement based on?
The electrons generated by enzymatic reactions of glucose and lactate are measured as current values by electrochemical sensors.
What is the procedure for metabolic analysis?
Before carrying out measurements with cells, two types of media with known concentrations are measured to create a calibration curve. Normal culture operations such as changing the medium, passaging, and adding reagents can be carried out during the measurement. Measurement data are acquired every minute, and the data can be used to derive metabolic rate data every 15 minutes.
What media and reagents does the LiCellMo support?
The measurement range is ≤27 mM for glucose and ≤15 mM for lactate, and there are proven results from measurement with RPMI 1640 medium, DMEM medium, and other specialized media. Results have also been obtained with 3-BP and oligomycin as additive reagents. Measurement results will depend on the experimental conditions; therefore, we recommend that you carry out trial runs first to confirm performance.
What types of cells can be used?
Measurement results have been obtained with various cell lines, including T cells and iPS cells. The effect of the sensor on cells will be confirmed in accordance with ISO 10993-5: 2009. Measurement results will depend on the experimental conditions; therefore, we recommend that you carry out trial runs first to confirm performance.
How should the device be cleaned and sterilized?
The provided sensor module is gamma-radiated, and is for single use only. It should not be used repeatedly. The plate adapter can be sterilized in an autoclave, and is suitable for repeated use. The exterior and part of the interior of the detector and the controller can be cleaned with ethanol. Do not use hydrogen peroxide for decontamination. Refer to Operating Instruction manual for additional cleaning and maintenance information.

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