Environmental Initiatives

Preservation of Natural Resources

Background of Materiality Assessment, Past Initiatives, and KPIs

A global culture of mass production, mass consumption, and mass waste has contributed to the depletion of natural resources and disruption of ecosystems. It has become essential for companies to use resources efficiently in all stages of business, from procurement of raw materials to disposal of waste. PHC Group designs products with environmental consideration in mind, including the effective use of natural resources and non-use of environmentally hazardous substances. In manufacturing processes, we are also actively working to reduce water consumption and waste emissions through improvements in each of our processes.
PHC Group will continue to promote the reductions of environmental impact in our business activities in alignment with the materiality topics listed on page 56 as the targets.

Reduction of Water Withdrawal at Production Sites, Laboratories, and Other Sites

We have taken steps to recycle water and reduce the intake of water at our manufacturing sites and laboratories. For example, Epredia has reduced its water consumption by implementing water recycling initiatives at its manufacturing facilities. PHC Indonesia saves water by performing regular maintenance on its water pumps and implementing timed shut-offs on holidays.

Water Pump Operation
Water Pump Operation

Reduction of Packaging Materials

We continue to work on improving the packaging efficiency of manufactured goods at all of our manufacturing sites. For example, the Biomedical Division of PHC Corporation has reduced cardboard waste by eliminating filling materials. Epredia works with its customers and vendors to reduce the amount of packaging required to transport products to end users and to identify points in its value chain where packaging can be reused. Epredia also reuses pallets received from vendors and intercompany transportation and has introduced a delivery system that utilizes reusable containers for its main vendors.

Reduction of Waste at Manufacturing Sites, Laboratories, and Other Sites

We are actively working to reduce waste and recycle resources and are exploring zero-waste manufacturing processes, as well as the introduction of materials that do not generate harmful substances. The IVD Division of PHC Corporation actively uses halogen-free materials that do not emit dioxins and other substances and has achieved an adoption rate of over 90% for halogen-free materials.

Halogen-Free Circuit Board
Halogen-Free Circuit Board

(Integrated Report 2023)