
PATHFAST™ - Sepsis Marker


Sepsis Marker


Early diagnosis and prognosis of sepsis

PATHFAST™ determines the quantity of hs Trop I, NTproBNP, D-Dimer, hsCRP, Myoglobin, CK-MB mass, BRAHMS PCT and Presepsin from one single whole blood sample. The quantitative data of the parallel analyses provide results within minutes, which facilitate the therapeutical decision. Basis for a safe diagnosis on-site for patients with acute coronary syndrome, suspected coronary heart insufficiency, venous thromboembolism, inflammation and myocardial injury .

PATHFAST™ Presepsin is a chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for the quantitative measurement of presepsin (sCD14-ST) concentration in whole blood or plasma. PATHFAST™ Presepsin is used as an aid in the diagnosis and prognosis of sepsis, in the assessment of the degree of septic severity and to aid in the risk stratification of critically ill septic patients. PATHFAST™ Presepsin improves the diagnosis and prognosis of sepsis defining its level of severity. It is a valid indicator of risk stratification in septic patients. Due to the fast analysis within 15 minutes and the high prognostic value even at patient’s admission, PATHFAST™ Presepsin is useful in laboratories, emergency- and intensive care units and neonatal departments. An early diagnosis with an excellent prognostic performance and its ability to respond rapidly to the variety of clinical conditions make PATHFAST™ Presepsin the ideal tool for sepsis diagnosis and risk prognosis. Moreover, the diagnostic validity of Presepsin in neonatal sepsis has been evaluated in numerous clinical studies. Presepsin shows promising performance in diagnosing sepsis in neonates and prognosing severity of the disease.

Clinical use of presepsin

Presepsin is a reliable, specific and sensitive biomarker for sepsis and a valuable tool for the very early diagnosis of sepsis by Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria or fungi [1]. Presepsin rises earlier than other biomarker and does not show unspecific increases [2]. Presepsin values help to stratify the severity of the septic disease with excellent correlation to APACHE II-, GCS-, MEDS- and SOFA-score [3]. Presepsin exceeds the prognostic power of other sepsis biomarkers and is specifically useful when combined with clinical risk scores like e.g. qSOFA [4]. The time course of Presepsin can be used for monitoring: a decline demonstrates response to therapy and predicts a favorable outcome [5,6]. Presepsin is an accurate biomarker in the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis with higher cut off values [7,8]. In cardiac surgery elevated preoperative plasma Presepsin concentration is a strong predictor of postoperative mortality in cardiac surgery patients [9].

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Assay Specifications

Method Chemiluminescent Enzyme Immuno Assay - Magtration
Sample Material - Heparin-whole Blood
- Heparin-Plasma
- EDTA-whole Blood
- EDTA-Plasma
Sample Volume 100 μl
Reference Values 337 pg/mL | 97.5th %
Test Duration < 17 Minutes
Durability of Calibration 28 Days
Measurement Range 0.000002-0.02 mg/L
Limit of Detection 20.0 pg/mL
Pack size 60 tests
Control set 4 x 1 ml

* for more detailed information, please refer to the instruction for use, delivered with each reagent
